We help endurance athletes maximize their potential

How Can You Benefit From Working With Us?


Pain Relief and Injury Management

We believe that if pain is present, you are already injured.

Aside from normal muscle soreness after a hard workout, a well functioning body should not be communicating to you, through pain, that something is wrong!

Without drugs or surgery, we want to help you get out of pain as fast as possible with a goal of staying active throughout the healing process.



Injury Prevention

When you work with us, we start by identifying your injury risk factors.

Then, the fun begins!

Through in office treatment and at home rehab plans customized to your risk profile, we rebuild your body from the ground up, creating a more functional, more resilient you.



Improved Performance

You don’t have to be injured to benefit from our care!

Ways we help improve your performance:

  • Improved recovery with chiropractic adjustments and muscle release therapy

  • Identify and correct dysfunctional movement patterns

  • Track your Injury Risk Factors over time

  • Spend less time injured and more time training!